How do I:


  1. Open an exiting proposal
    Go to the File menu and select “Open”. Exiting proposals come up in reverse chronological order. If you wish to search the database by proposal name, customer name or any other field, click on the column header, type the required string and press “Search” You may use wild characters (*, ?) to facilitate you search. Once you locate your proposal, highlight the item you want to open and press the “Open” button.
  2. Change item name?
  3. Some fields in the “More Options” Tab show up with a gray line why?
    Those fields are applicable at the present configuration state
    Click on the “Items” button, double in the “Names” column and type the new item name
  4. Duplicate an item?
  5. From the main menu select File “Save as”. A new item identical to the existing item will be created.
  6. Print a curve without going through the configuration process
    While viewing the curve press the  icon
  7. Customize my working environment?
    From the main menu select “Settings ->Preferences”. It is very important to fill in the following information:
    1. General  - Branch code. This will be used as a prefix for all proposal names automatically generated by ePrism
    2. General  - Sales Person. When a new proposal is created the sales person will be automatically filled in
    3. General  - Office Details. Those will be printed at the top of each data sheet.
  8. Change working units?
    From the main menu select “Actions -> Change Units”
  9. Edit modify proposal Header information
    Press the  button